Introducing Joan M Bunney: Couger Advocating Change

Joan M Bunney

We recently wrote about how we met and will shortly be introducing the work of Hattie Retroage here at TJP.  When we initially contacted and introduced TJP to Hattie, we had no way of knowing that she would distribute our self-written letter of introduction to a like-minded woman and author Joan M Bunney.  Joan promptly contacted us:

Dear Jane:

I am a friend of Hattie Retro-age, and like her, choose to reverse the aging process naturally, no chemicals or toxins allowed in or on my body.

I’m also an advocate for social change and speak out on relevant issues all having to do with the children’s well being. Born in 1945 I’ve watched this health epidemic of the body and mind happen over the decades.

I wrote a book, Sexy InYour60s, to share with others, women especially, what I’ve learned and applied and why I’m growing young not old; a new mindset.

I’ve been to your website and would love to contribute, be a part of your blog. The ‘older’ I get the more relevant the subject matter. The elder woman is stepping forward to share accrued wisdom that will help to make change happen.

I’ve attached my media bio, my Sexy In Your 60s website that holds my book and journey thus far. I am just beginning the second half of life. The ancient goddess cultures tell us the seasoned woman is in her mastery at this stage of life. My purpose is to awaken women of all ages to this truth by using myself, much as Hattie does, as a live testimonial.

About to launch a new website, to celebrate the cougar woman rather than demean her. Like Hattie, I’ve been attracted to and dating younger men for a quarter century. The website in part will dissuade the naysayers and the bad press. The rewards of aging are endless. …

Best regards,

Joan M Bunney
Author, Speaker, Advocate for Social Change

Joan and the admins have corresponded in more depth since receiving her initial e-mail, and we’re quite pleased to introduce Joan to TJP!

We are excited to see her work and grow from her contributions. 



Life-long Texan with a substantial chip on her shoulder.

Posted in beauty, body image, feminism, health, heterosexuality, hope, self-esteem, taboo

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